Voices for Power

Our roadmap to clean and affordable energy

Through clean, affordable energy programs, the NSW government can support communities in Western Sydney to stay safe from the heat without worrying about how big their energy bills will be. All while doing our part to keep the planet cool. Below are the shovel-ready programs Voices for Power endorse to help build a fair and sustainable future for all Sydneysiders.


Solar garden pilot in Western Sydney

A solar garden pilot program would give 1000 homes otherwise locked out of the clean energy market access to clean energy. A community-owned solar garden would ensure communities avoid high upfront costs and access solar power even when they rent or live in apartments.

Community Energy Hub

A Community Energy Hub would connect our communities in Western Sydney to energy experts independent from energy companies, to receive information they can trust. This will be a mobile fitted-out bus that people can visit to ask about their energy concerns, in their own language.

Healthy and affordable homes

Through grants and rebates, the NSW government can support the delivery of energy audits, investment in energy efficiency upgrades and installation of solar PV on low-income rented and owner-occupied homes.

Further, the NSW government can ensure new builds comply with the highest energy performance standards and health outcomes.


Solar and batteries for all

We need to expand existing NSW programs for renters and low-income households to access solar power and batteries. This includes forming specific programs for small and medium businesses to access solar and batteries.

Bushfire Recovery and Preparedness

To stimulate local economies following the devastating fires that burnt through our state in 2019-20, the NSW government can invest in employing locals in land restoration measures, including tree planting, land clearing and wetland restoration, and training and education for bushfire preparedness programs. Voices for Power is pushing for the NSW government to prioritise investment and partnerships with Firesticks Practitioners.

Beat the Heat

A grant scheme for community groups and faith institutions to upgrade communal facilities with air-conditioning, energy efficiency upgrades and solar panels will create heat refuges for Western Sydney residents to escape scorching heatwaves. Many local councils, including in Blacktown, are already doing this but we’re looking to expand these efforts.

Upgrade publicly-owned buildings and operations

Local and state governments can partner to upgrade publicly-owned buildings such as hospitals, evacuation centres, fires stations, schools libraries, public and social housing with renewables, energy efficiency measures and weather proofing. This will help protect the planet we love while also reducing operation costs.


Electric Buses Investment

We’re pushing the NSW government to convert the entire Sydney bus fleet to 100% electric by 2025 and invest in a local manufacturing industry in Western Sydney to supply these buses.

Accelerate the building of renewable generation

Voices for Power is pushing the NSW government to fund a program to see medium-scale solar farms (1-10MWs) in every Local Government Area across the state. These could be accompanied by community-scale batteries at substations and supported by electricity grid improvements.

Invest in Jobs of the Future

It is essential for the NSW government to invest and fast track tertiary education in skills and jobs relevant to emerging and low-carbon industries, including renewable energy and care.