Training and Resources
We offer many opportunities for anyone wanting to learn more about the Sydney Alliance and community organising. Through our training, you can learn more about how to work together to build relationships and discover common ground across diversity. You can read about our upcoming Foundations Training and National Training in Community Organising below.
There are longer-term volunteering and training opportunities available through the Sydney Alliance Internship Program.
Foundations Training
(2-day training)
The two-day training is interactive, thoughtful and made for people with all levels of experience. As practical as it is theoretical, we teach the tools to start building public relationships and working through the organising cycle to solve problems in our communities.
National Training
(6-day training)
This six-day National Training is a program for people committed to understanding the craft of community organising - who want to play a key role in leading the activities of the Alliance inside their organisation and acting as a bridge between our member organisations.
Assistant Organiser
Internships and Placements: As an assistant organiser in the Alliance you will be mentored by the lead organiser and thrown into new opportunities to organise for the common good. The current program focused on the biannual intake of 35 emerging social workers from Western Sydney University. There are also spots for non-placement interns along side this dynamic cohort.
Tailored training within your organisations
One benefit of joining the Sydney Alliance is working with a community organiser on
internal training tailored for the needs of your organisation. This might include:
Organisational development
Building membership and volunteers
Train the trainer - pedagogy of training
Building public relationships
Power analysis and campaign strategy on issues
Research Action processes
Running Actions
Running better meetings
Other items from the Foundations or National Training.
Contact chantelle@sydneyalliance.org.au for more information
Refreshers from Foundations Training
Relational Meetings
A one-page refresher on relational meetings for those who’ve completed Foundations Training.
Table Talks
A one-page refresher on ‘table talks’ for those who’ve completed Foundations Training.
Here is an 2-minute video telling the story of the power of table talks.
A diagram from the Foundations Training breaking down useful perspectives on Discernment.
Research Action Meetings
A four-page breakdown on how to run a research action meeting for those who have completed Foundations Training.
Here are some example closing speeches from Actions. In 2017, 601 leaders packed into the St Mary’s Cathedral School Hall to ask the Greater Sydney Commission CEO Sarah Hill and then NSW Planning Minister Anthony Roberts MP to take action on affordable housing. This 5 min clip features some of the closing speeches from that evening. You can cut the tension with a knife!
Here is the full video of QLD Maroonprint Assembly – (70 min). The QLD Community Alliance turned out 800+ leaders on zoom for real commitments ahead of the QLD State election. This video features stories, roll call and negotiations with former Leader of the Opposition Deb Frecklington and current QLD Premier Anastasia Palaczszuk.
For readings, including more resources on running an action – get in contact with one of our community organisers.
More about Community Organising (videos)
Unlocking the power of civil society
UK 2010, 5 minutes
A summary of community organising from Sydney Alliance sister organisation, Citizens UK.
What is community organising?
UK Olympics 2013, 4 minutes
An animated introduction to the UK Citizens campaign for an ethical Olympics.
Three women, three local achievements
Queensland 2017, 4 minutes
An inspiring example of local leaders taking action in their communities with our sister organisation the Queensland Community Alliance.
Building Power in our Communities
New Zealand / Aotearoa 2018, 7 minutes
A longer video introducing concepts of community organising from our sister organisation Te Ohu in NZ / Aotearoa, featuring veteran community organiser Maribeth Larkin.

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