Become a Partner Organisation
The Sydney Alliance is made up of our partner organisations, and we rely on the extensive leadership that exists in those organisations to bring together diverse community organisations, unions and religious organisations to advance the common good and achieve a fair, just and sustainable city.
Benefits of becoming a partner organisation include a seat at the table to decide how the Sydney Alliance takes action and on what issues, finding and building relational trust with allies across civil society and access to leadership development for the people involved in your organisation, including through Foundations Training and National Training.
Be part of Sydney's story. Contact our Lead Organiser Chantelle Ogilvie Ellis chantelle@sydneyalliance.org.au.
Organisational Dues
The Sydney Alliance receives no government funding, enabling it to remain independent. Below is the outline of organisational dues for different groups.
Rates as at 1st July 2022.
Micro (organisational Friends of Sydney Alliance)
$282 + GST
This refers to organisations with no staff, a local religious community of a denomination that is already in membership with 1to 2 staff or small schools.
Friends receive free access to Foundations Training and recognition as a Sydney Alliance partner. They also receive weekly summary of Alliance opportunities, news, action and training.
$1,761 + GST
This refers to community sector organisations with 2 to 6 staff or severely limited untied funding, religious organisations of equivalent size or large schools.
Members receive free access to Foundations Training and recognition as a Sydney Alliance partner. They also receive weekly summary of Alliance opportunities, news, action and training. Unlike “Micro” Friends of Sydney Alliance, members receive voting rights at the Sydney Alliance Council.
$3,048 + GST
This refers to large or peak community organisations or religious organisations of equivalent size.
Members receive free access to Foundations Training and recognition as a Sydney Alliance partner. They also receive weekly summary of Alliance opportunities, news, action and training. Unlike “Micro” groups, members receive voting rights at the Sydney Alliance Council.
Base Funding
Dues negotiated based on the capacity to contribute.
This refers to unions, large religious denominations, community housing providers or large community organisations.
Members receive free access to Foundations Training and recognition as a Sydney Alliance partner. They also receive weekly summary of Alliance opportunities, news, action and training. Unlike “Micro” groups, members receive voting rights at the Sydney Alliance Council.
“Partner Organisations are strengthened as they give their members the experience of reshaping society. In the process, individuals grow and develop as leaders, become full democratic citizens and learn to speak and act with others on their own behalf. We build grassroots power that respects the contribution and dignity of all people, based on our Agenda for the Common Good which arises from listening and discernment across the partner organisations.”